“I buy house. You come live.”
Seen on my ride.
“I buy house. You come live.”
Seen on my ride.
We’re living through a unique time right now. I haven’t felt this unsettled since 9/11. The difference between now and 9/11 was that you could go and talk with people. Hang out, go grab a beer or lunch with a friend. Talk out what you were feeling and experiencing. All this right now is just plain weird.
Photos ©John Suder
The new year is a time for reflection. A time to take stock of your life and wonder what went wrong and what can be changed. I’ll agree: January 1 is just another day. It’s an arbitrary thing.
I also believe in measuring progress and failures.
I don’t do “resolutions”. Instead, I buy a spankin’ new sketchbook (a wire-bound, hardback book so it’ll lay flat). I write the year in the front with a paint marker. On the first page, I determine what my “theme” of the year might be. (This year’s theme is FOCUS). From there I do a free form sketch note of all things related to my “theme”.
I’ll also add some goals.
The important thing is to revisit this page and keep it close by. That’s’ why I keep it in my sketchbook since its always to my left on my desk.
The sketchnote serves as a reminder as to what I want to accomplish or do (or not do) during the year. If there are specific items on there (ex: “Buy that condo in Florida”), that goal goes on a separate page and is broken down into actionable chunks.
As for the new year celebration – I’ve done it all: I went to a house party in Manhattan then walked down to Times Square (pre-9/11, you could just come and go, no diapers required). I’ve done the “let’s all get rooms in a hotel and have a party” (Fun, and no mess to clean up). I’ve gone to countless house parties (“Why is your girlfriend making out with that guy?”). I was in Florida waiting for the world to end at the turn of the century (spoiler: it didn’t).
Our new year’s celebrations are decidedly more low-key these days. I make a nice dinner, we ring in the new year then its bedtime. We get up early in the morning and go to the Mummer’s Parade in the city.
One thing I like to make for new year’s dinner is a nice New York Strip steak. I love steak but I generally don’t eat it much during the year, so it’s a real treat.
Here’s how I prepare my New Year New York Strip Steak:
If your partner goes for the steak sauce, slap it out of their hands and throw them out of your house.