
Awesome Things Newsletter, Vol 124

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This week’s cover art features an AI-generated image I created using Midjourney V4

After a brief hiatus, The Awesome Things Newsletter is back. 

Click here to read and subscribe

But not all is well. 

Twitter is shutting down the newsletter service I use, and I am not happy.

I’ll need to find a new home for this newsletter in the next few weeks. It won’t affect the content per se, but it will cause me a bit of heartburn moving things (and basically starting over).

Or maybe I’ll find a new newsletter service that isn’t owned by a billionaire who can shut it down on a whim.

This is a dark day for all the other newsletter publishers out there. We’ve lost a valuable resource, but we will persevere.

Thank you, Elon Musk, for nothing.

If you could support my work by buying some merch here, or here,  buying me a coffee, sharing this newsletter with a friend, or visiting my sponsors, I’d greatly appreciate it.

John Suder is a graphic designer, illustrator, and podcaster from Philadelphia. John is the Director of Marketing at SUMO Heavy Industries, an eCommerce consulting firm, and the host/producer of the long-running daily podcast ‘The eCommerce Minute'. John is also the host/producer of the ‘In the Ring’ podcast, a long-form podcast featuring interviews and insights from leaders in the eCommerce space.

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